Still busy, busy, busy!!!!
Hey there!!! I'm in such a happy, happy, happy mood at the moment!!! These holidays have been fantastic although I'm very sad that they are nearly over (boo hoo) - I'm really happy that they have been so wonderful- IYKWIM.
Tuesday, while I was cleaning away, my friend Leanne rang me and said she was organizing a group of girls to go out to dinner and then go and see Sex and the City- was I interested?- WELL YES!!!!
So Tuesday night Leanne, Marlene, Sally, Lian and myself went out to dinner at Bambinos. The dinner was delish- I had chilli prawns and vegies- mmm mmm I'll definitely be going back for more!!! We then went to see Sex and the City- what a GREAT movie. I loved the TV series and I was not disappointed with the movie- I laughed, I cried and laughed some more- It was fantastic. Afterward we all went back to Leanne's for wine and coffee- such a great night. I love nights like this and we have all agreed we NEED to do it again soon!!!
Wednesday- Leanne and I took 9 kids ten pin bowling!!!! We didn't bowl but all the kids did. I had Emma's friend Kira with me for the day as she was meant to come ice skating with us on Monday but couldn't at the last minute. After the bowling and lunch Leanne asked Sarah back to play with Kaitlyn and Taylor. I took Emma and Kira home with me and the little cherubs cooked cup cakes- making a total mess of my kitchen. Never mind- easily cleaned and they had the cup cakes were yummo!!!
Tuesday afternoon the girls played happily while I cleaned!! My wonderful husband bought me a new printer so I totally cleaned out our study. Our study was more of a dumping ground than a study so it took me a good few hours to go through it and really sort it but now it looks sparkling and my new printer is set up and working beautifully- in fact I love it!!! I've printed out lots of photos already!!! Woo hoo!!!
Late in the afternoon Leanne rang to ask if Sarah could sleep over, so with one less child in our house, Emma asked if Kira could sleep at our place.... so I ended up with two anyway!!! The girls were very good, in fact, no trouble at all.
That brings us to today- I made Emma and Kira pancakes for breakfast and the girls then amused themselves while I cleaned some more- never ending isn't it!!! Just after lunch Sarah was dropped home and I dropped Kira home - in time to pick up Aunty Loraine..... the girls and I took her out to afternoon tea- mmm cake and coffee at Y2K-yum yum!!!
Tonight I have made a very delicious chicken and vegetable soup and I've managed to scrap another challenge!! I've now complete K10. Create a layout using only products from the June Tarisota collection - boy was it a challenge, I so wanted to use other bits and pieces but I refrained and I'm really pleased with how it has turned out. I'll photograph it tomorrow and show you- promise! :)
Here is J5. Scrap a LO that has the word FRIEND/FRIENDSHIP in the title.I scrapped this Tuesday in between cleaning!!!
My plans for tomorrow have changed as Dad has to come to Perth tomorrow for day surgery- (last minute thing) so the girls and I are going to catch the train to Perth about lunch time and have lunch with Mum.
Let me divert here for a sec- a few weeks ago my wonderful husband asked me what I would like for my birthday (I'm 40 very soon- eeeekkk!!). Well I said I wouldn't mind this or that but what I would really like is xxxxxx- not expecting any more than a grunt.
Well tonight DH says "While you are in Perth tomorrow, seeing your Mum, you had better order xxxxxx (it has to be ordered) and give me the details so I can pick it up before your birthday"-WOO HOO, how happy am I???? I really couldn't believe my ears!!! Doing the happy dance here!!! Sorry but I'm not letting on to what xxxx is, just in case I jinx myself- however I'll be sure to share when I'm 40!!!!!!
So this happy little camper is signing off now- I so hope your day is wonderful!!!!(Yes- I'm still smiling!!!)
Love Janine xxx
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