Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sarah is nine!!!

We survived! My beautiful daughter Sarah turned nine yesterday and last night we had a disco for 13 of her friends. DH put black plastic all around our car port to create a 'disco'. He also put up Sarah's disco ball and installed a 'black globe' which glows white clothing iridescent. I had glow in the dark bracelets for the kids and we had the music blaring! All the usual party food- chips, lollies, red sausages, sausage rolls, pizza, jelly etc. The cake was made up individual ice cream Sundae- very easy and delicious!!! Overall, it was a great party!

OH- I need help too- being a bit of a computer gumbo, I can't work out how to add a 'site counter' onto this blog. I have gone and got the code and all that, I just find how or where to put the code- if you know, please help!!!!


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